Hello! Kia ora! Hola!

I am Emily and I am from New Zealand. I am 21 years old and have recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Spanish.

I am very lucky because the Ministry of Education in Spain has given me a placement in Navàs at Sant Josep school to help the children learn English.

This blog is for all the children and their families, the Ministry of Education, for the people at home and anyone else who is interested!

Our aim over the next six months is to help improve the students with their oral and conversational English.

But I will start from the beginning...

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

18 October - 22 October

On Monday the 18th another week began, and time is already flying! This week I visited Year 2 to read them the HUNGRY CATEPILLAR.
In the classes I showed the children my family. They learnt about my dad, my mum and my sister.

In the science classes Year 6 and Year 4 I played them a song about the five senses, this was a bit hard as it was too fast! Year 4 found it a bit easier as they were learning about the senses so had the vocabulary fresh in their minds.  To see the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5CHfLP71T4

Things are starting to become normal and it is wonderful. In the English classes I now sit at the back and take 1 – 4 children and ask them to describe me pictures or read them stories and ask them questions afterwards.
On Thursday 21st we got a visit from a witch about Castynada / Halloween this coming week. I got a big fright! The children thought it was very funny.

On Friday 22nd I was lucky enough to accompany the senior children (Year 5 & 6) to Ripoll and we visited the monastery and scriptorium there. This was amazing and great fun, the teachers got a lot of English practice telling me the history of Catalunya and Ripoll.

Another busy and interesting week, and am looking forward to the next one.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Short week! 13 October - 15 October

This week I showed the classes a short presentation about the NZ song, Tutira mai. The Year 5's had song this song for me last week, so I brought a translation for them.

Firstly I showed them how the song sounds:
Then I showed them some simple actions which we all tried together:

I started speaking with my classes one on one, the children where a bit scared but it was a lot of fun! 

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

8 October 2010

Fridays I normally have away from school but I choose to go to the really little children and with Juana I read them the hungry caterpillar, they think my accent is funny, I think they are cute!

7 October 2010

I was starting to settle in now, and Navàs was feeling like home. I spend lunchtimes eating and playing with the children and this is a great way to get to know them.

With Year 5 English I did a short activity describing photos.

These are photos from New Zealand.
What can you see?

4 October 2010

This was my first day at school. It started at 11am with a big welcome in the hall!

I learnt a lot about the students and Cataluyna, everyone was very welcoming and we were all so happy to see and meet each other.

In the afternoon I went with Year 6 on a tour of Navàs, this was wonderful, and the sun was shining!

1 October 2010

This was my first official day of my placement. Fina and I drove to Barcelona (and got a little bit lost).

This day was all about our roles as language and cultural assistants and all the bits of paper we needed to sort out!
I am very glad I was with Fina to help me understand and organise everything, it was a bit overwhelming.

We finished earlier than we thought and were able to pop into Sant Josep school to quickly say hello to all the students, this was a great surprise for the children and myself to finally meet each other!
It was amazing to see that all the hallways were covered in signs saying "Welcome Emily". I felt so famous, and very lucky to be here.